If we are prone to be discontent as Americans, I would say that Pinterest and HGTV are huge sources of that problem. Or maybe I should just speak for myself. I just told my mom the other day that as I look at my kitchen, a kitchen I once found to be just fine, I now wish I could rip up the flooring, take a sledge hammer to the cabinets, and replace the appliances.
I think it's because we don't see enough "normal" homes on the internet. I would consider my house a normal home. It's not huge. It's not fancy or perfectly decorated. My sister-in-law did help me update my living room two years ago, and I'm sure thankful for her! But it doesn't look like something someone would put on Pinterest.
So I think I'll post pictures of my house. When I thought we were moving, I took a picture of every room - even the bathrooms. I took pictures of the front and the back of the house. I wanted to remember it!
Close up of front |
Our back yard (probably my favorite part) |
Living/dining as looking from the front door |
Living room as looking from kitchen |
Kitchen |
Another angle |
Guest/kids bathroom |
Master bathroom |
Our bedroom |
Boy room (we painted it recently...I'll have to update!) |
Girl room |
What is it like to see a normal home? I think what prompted me to post this is seeing a post (or two, or three) on Pinterest where people say "Come tour my home!" and the homes are just crazy huge and crazy perfect. Which is fine, don't get me wrong! I have friends who have homes that could easily be pinned. :) But for others, I just think it's important to know that if your home doesn't look like that, it's ok.
It's more than ok.
I think the most humbling thing for me through our house selling/not selling experience was when I found out the family who wanted to buy our house was the same size as ours. That's right...six people would be living in our house...the house I wanted to leave for the sake of more room. Which brought me to realize something...it's true for me and it's true for you, no matter where you live:
There is someone somewhere who would love to have what you have.
I still don't know if I'll be here forever. I don't know if we'll add on to our house or just leave it as is.
One thing I do know...when I clean my house, I'm glad I didn't move to that big house. :)
Love your dining room table!! We just recently moved in to our new house and I found myself comparing it to other homes and then I realized that this was the home we built with our own hands laid it out the way we wanted and the way it would work for our family and I am happy with it. Yes I have friends who have homes that could easily be pinned and be in magazines but I am happy with my new home. I still have yet to take pictures room by room but after reading your post I think I need to go ahead and do just that.
I love the pictures of your home! And, it's just that...your HOME. It's beautifully decorated and you, Josh and the kids love it because it works for you. It reflects your personality and is perfect. I'm with you on the cleaning...I wouldn'
t want to clean one of those big, "perfect" homes...imagine the pressure of having to keep it perfect all the time. :) We bought and moved into a 50 yr. old ranch style home last summer and I love it....tiny bathrooms and all. Who really needs to have a party in the bathroom anyway?
Love this... We had been really wanting to move to the country but in all reality we love our home :-) maybe if I clean it I will take pictures of and post too :-)
Great post. We have friends that were kind enough to let us stay with them while we were house hunting. They live in a pretty grand home out in an estate area. As we began looking at houses it jaded my opinion at first. When we came across the place we are in, I fell in love even though it wasn't this grand new home. We love our little Spanish style patio home built in the 70's. Shortly after we moved in I was helping a young mom from our church after she had surgery. Their home was so much smaller than ours, so much older, falling apart all around, and in an area that you would really have to be careful at night. In that moment, I had so much gratitude for what we have been given. The covetous spirit that was in my heart left. I think if we focus on what we have been given and truly give thanks for it, it is difficult to have a jealous spirit. Below is a link to pics from just as we were moving in.
P.S. Your home is beautiful and looks very comfortable. I have a kiddo that would kill for the grass in your backyard. Living in AZ, grass is a luxury we cannot afford.
My husband and I just moved into a different house, new state. It's smaller, and there are some things about our house that I know many people would hate. We have cistern water, wood stove heat, and everything else runs on electric. All of our kids (3 right now...baby still sleeps in our room) share a room together. It's a very large room the size of a family room. My BIL came to visit 2 days ago. He just returned stateside from a year in Iraq and Kuwait. He walked into our kids room saying something about how it really does work for all of them. I agreed and then said something about the ceiling: it's not normal ceiling but sheets of 4x8 plywood. :) I know. He looks up then says, "people in the states just don't know how good they've got it. I am so glad to have indoor plumbing and running water. Spent the last year using the restroom in a porta-potty." Hmmm. Nuff said. I guess I don't need to be embarrassed by our cistern and wood burning stove. My home is not pinterest worthy ;) but it is our home and we're enjoying the ride. We used to live 3 1/2 hrs from here...this move put us in the same town as my sister, parents and inlaws. :)
Thank you... I needed to hear this. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one with a "normal" home. My mom and my sister have gorgeous homes, perfectly designed. And, sometimes I spend more money than I can afford to update my home... and for who? Thanks again for your post.
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