Thursday, December 20, 2012

"What I Am Thankful For"

The kids had their last day of school on Tuesday and are now on Christmas break.  Caleb brought home a few projects he had worked on over the last month or so, and one of them was an "I am thankful" type thing.  When I saw it, it really made my heart smile.

Because even though we try to teach our children what truly matters in life, you never know what a small child will say they are thankful for!  He could have said his Wii or Legos or Super Heros.  But he said something that sounds like what I would write.


And after the tragedies both nationally and locally, I'm certain all of us have a better grasp on what really matters. 

These four.


thechattymommy said...

So sweet.
I am so envious that your kids already have off!
Today is our last day!

Crack You Whip said...

This is one of the best posts about being thankful I have ever read.

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