Traveling Light has hit some milestones lately, and I'm so excited to host a REALLY FUN giveaway in honor of those milestones!
On Friday, March 12th, TL reached 20,000 hits. Hooray!
On Friday, March 19th, TL reached 200 followers. Yay for readers!
And today, March 24th, TL's author has written 400 posts. Didn't that sound all important written in third person? Ha!
So to celebrate, I am giving away FOUR cool prizes! First number drawn will have first selection, second number drawn will have second selection, etc.
Prize A - A BLOG MAKEOVER by BlueBird Design Studios. She created my page and has also created such looks as this one...

Prize B - A $25 GIFT CARD TO APPLEBEE'S. Because we have received over $100 worth of cards lately, and I asked Josh if I could share the love on my blog! And he said I could!

Prize C - A BOX OF PAMPERS WIPES. Because we bought them, thinking I wanted to try something different, and the texture is not what I expected. But I know other moms like them, so maybe you'll enjoy them, too! There are four, unopened packages inside the box just waiting to be used by someone.

Prize D - FIFTEEN REDBOX RENTALS. Because no one goes to McDonald's as much as me, and we can't rent them as often as I get codes. We have a stack of cards that need to be used, and I wanted to share some with you.

To enter:
*Leave a comment on this post! Just any comment!
*For a second entry, go to this discussion on Blog Frog and tell me which prize you would want to win most!
I will use to select the winners.
Good luck!
P.S. I've had several people ask me about Redbox codes. They now come with large drinks for one, and also come with $1.99 Happy Meals on Tuesday nights (maybe it's just our area?) - so there's the scoop!
I really miss talking to you this morning! I plan on running this afternoon. I will be checking on you.
Congratulations on your milestones!
Oh, how very fun! Great work on 400 posts. And 200 followers. WOW!
Congrats on your milestones!
i am impressed (and maybe a little jealous) of your milestones. how do you get redbox codes from mcdonalds. we love redbox and mcdonalds, i must be missing something
I wanna win! Pick me! Pick me! Congrats Chrissy! I love reading your blog.
I REALLY need a blog makeover! What an awesome giveaway!
Yay for you! You do sound all important in 3rd person!
Congratulations on the achievements! Those are some excellent and creative prizes! I like the way you kindof recycled some things you already have.
Hurray for you (and TL) and hurray for gifts! =) Congrats Chrissy!
Hey Chrissy congrats on the blogging milestones. I enjoy reading daily. Also tell Josh he is a good man for sharing the love of the gift cards. And tell him to be on the look out for post C2 bday Mario posts. I have a feeling that after his Mario party this weekend we are in for some changes around the house.
Keep writing and having fun. Also how is the little man feeling?
What a terrific milestone Congratulations.
Awesome Milestones!!
I'd looooove to win!
Congrats on the milestones! You've got some great prizes here!
Congrats on all your followers and your 400th post!
Awesome stuff!! Count me in!
Hey Chrissy,
I do remember you. It's been a long time. I'm on facebook. Are you? Let me know how you're doing. Great blog by the way. How'd you get into it so seriously?
Great milestones!!!!
And can't wait for your next 100 posts ;o)
I love AppleBees!
How exciting! Congrats!
Always enjoy reading your posts! Thanks for sharing your life!
Congrats on the milestones~! That's awesome. And thanks for the chance to win :)
Congrats to you!
Ooooo...nice. Congrats on your milestones!
What great milestones - congratulations! Your blog is so lovely! Thanks for the chance to win!
Congratulations on the milestones! I'd love the blog makeover or the movies.
Great milestones and what a giveaway! Great job.
Congrats! Awesome prizes too!!
Oh how I could use a blog makeover. I am still using a blogger template. Congrats on all the Milestones.
Those are great Milestones!
Good job getting readers! Found you through Blog Frog.
Congratulations! so cool!
Great prizes!
Congrats on your milestones. I lost my counter and had to start over...:( Anyway great prizes!
How sweet of you! Congrats on your blog's success!
Congrats on your accomplishments!
Here from Friday Follow...I'm now a follower!
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