1. What is your worst memory of your sibling(s)?
If you've been reading very long or know me personally, you know that my dad was a band director and my mom was a color guard instructor. They were always a team, so my sister and I seemed to live in the band room and on the football field. We were at all the camps, all the sectionals, all the competitions. It was our life, and I think she'd agree, it was something we loved even as kids. It must have been in our blood; we could both spin flags and rifles as children.
The summer of my 8th grade year, my mom wanted me to spin with the high school girls during the fair parade. The formation they wanted to make on the street with the numbers they had was such that they needed one more girl, and since I had been doing the routine since 3rd grade (our street parade routine was always the same), the girls agreed that I was "good enough" to do this with them.
We were all down on the track, making our formation as the band set their intervals just right before dad would blow the whistle for us to be at attention. My little sister was up in the stands, being a good little girl and being quiet, just watching like she always did (she would have been about 7 I guess), when all of a sudden we all heard her say, "Mom!"
This was a big deal. The band director's daughters NEVER bothered their parents during practice.
I remember looking up and wondering what in the world Sonja could have been thinking and why she was bothering mom. Then my mind starting thinking that something had to be wrong because both of us knew better. As I looked over at mom and saw her climb up the steps to the stands where Sonja was sitting, I saw her get to my little sister and then yell, "Bill!"
The band director's wife NEVER referred to him by his first name around students. Never. At that point, all the students knew something wasn't right, too.
The rest of the details are a bit blurry, but I know that someone carried Sonja away from the stands and into my parents' car. Was it dad? I guess it would have been?
She had severely cut her knee "down to the bone" on the edge of the bleachers in the stands. Mom took her to the local physician where she received several stitches. It was so very painful for my little sister, and perhaps this is where her fear of needles began? The scar is still easy to see, a reminder of that moment for her.
But I remember feeling helpless. I know she thinks that I just considered her my bratty little sister, and maybe I did for the most part. In that moment, however, she was my sister who was hurt and who needed help.
It is my worst memory of my sibling.
Obviously she was fine and she healed. She's all grown up now, beautiful as can be. And I love her very much.
I'm glad she was ok :o)

Chrissy and Sonja, senior night, October 2003, standing on the same track mentioned in the story.
Here from Friday follow! What a blessing to have a sister!
I'm over from Friday Follow and I was riveted by your story. My daughter was a colorguard for all 4 years of high school. And OUR band director, (fantastic man) and his wife were a team. She was the colorguard instructor. They have one precious little girl who is 6 and she travels everywhere with them. And like you said, she knows how to behave and when not to disturb. I'm glad your sister was ok.
Sisters are the very best. I know, I have 3 of them.
Happy Friday Follow!
Travis Curly (sp?) carried me to the car I think....or he ran to get me ice...either way he was involved and then became my elem. crush!
That day could very well be why I am so afraid of needles! Those shots in my knee were SO painful!!!
Following from Friday Follow...love that story! You two are both cuties! I have a sister too and need to introduce her on my blog someday soon.
Yes, happy she was okay. You two look so pretty! Happy Friday Follow.
Hi! I found you on Friday Follow! I'm so new to this that I'm still trying to get it all figured out...
I'll be following you now and hopefully the next time or two I'll have a handle on it.
Happy Follow Friday.
Very cute picture. Glad she recovered, but I can see how that could be a big memory. I have a big and little sister - both are irreplaceable
My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog
Following you over from Friday Follow!
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Wow! You too look so much alike! Both beautiful :) What a story to remember!
Awe poor little sister! I was the baby and late life baby at that and so I have more sibling memories as an adult!
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Debi(Truthful Mommy)
Oh Chrissy,
What a frightening moment for you and your sister. I can see why it still lingers in your memory. Bless her heart. It just gave me chills when you described the depth of the cut. I found your blog through Follow Me Friday at Trendy Treehouse.
Blessings sweet lady!
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