Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What Is Your Passion?

In June, my sister, mom, aunt, and I participated along side 65,000 others in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in St. Louis. I can only speak for myself, but I know I took part in the fund-raising efforts because I am passionate about women's health, specifically breast health, because my grandma and aunt are breast cancer survivors and because, when caught early, breast cancer is nearly 100% treatable. I'm passionate about it because 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. And I know that, when taught about BSE's (breast self exams), we can prevent the later onset of breast cancer.

But what about a passion I have to further God's kingdom or to help those in need...those He has called us to serve?

1 Timothy 6 says...

17Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 18Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 19In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

I believe each of us should be willing to give to various ministries. And when I say various, I really mean it. It seems to me that God lays it upon each heart a different desire to give. I admit...I am a blog hopper...so sometimes I see different blogs with different passions. Some are about adoption. Some are about overseas missionary work. Some are about protecting unborn children. Or providing clean drinking water for those who don't have it. Or building and providing education for those who would otherwise not have it. For me, I know I certainly don't have the resources to give to all of these worthwhile causes. Could it be that God has asked me to give much to one cause??

The reason I present this idea is because I often find that once someone is passionate about something, they try so hard to share this passion. Which is great! When we feel that strongly about what God is telling us to do, I can't imagine not sharing it! But I'm just not convinced that EVERYONE will feel exactly as strongly about the calling He's put on one person's heart.

Do that make sense?

For about two years, Josh and I have felt passionate about teaching/guiding others about becoming debt free. We have given away several of our copies of The Total Money Makeover, and I plan to just start ordering a copy once a month for when someone tells me, "It just feels like we're never going to stop living paycheck to paycheck." How does our passion about this subject further God's kingdom? Well, in verse 18 above, it says to be generous and share. It feels really hard to be generous and share when you don't know if you'll even have enough money to pay the utility bill this month. And as FPU teaches: "Imagine what the people of God could do for the kingdom of God if they were debt free."

Love that phrase.

I am also passionate about "home" missions. While some feel lead to spread the gospel overseas and give financially to causes there, I have a heart for the lost in our own country...in our own neighborhood! I want to find ways to meet people where they are in their lives and serve them...like Jesus who spoke to the woman at the well. When no one else wanted to speak to her, He did. What kind of people should I be speaking to who no one else will? I could financially help a hurting, single mom. I can give to a pregnancy resource center. There are so many local causes...

And I have given to them because those things are what God has placed upon my heart.

So...be passionate about something for His kingdom's sake. Ask Him what that might be. And then...see how He blesses you through it!

**After writing this, it reminded me that I wanted to financially support a local family who is adopting. I haven't had the chance to do that yet. And I know God has asked me to! I'll be emailing her soon! :o)


Anonymous said...

Great stuff here. It's always so true that we will always feel so good when we take the focus off ourselves and do something good for others. The Bible tells us this in so many places, but sometimes it's not until we actually get up and do it and experience what this is all about that it has its impact on us/our lives... Aunt Kathy

Ashley said...

I love this post...it's so nice to see people passionate for a cause! I, like you, blog hop a lot and love reading each person's thoughts, feelings, and actions to help what they most believe in! I'll be emailing you back soon! :0)

Jess said...

Great post! Thank you :)

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