Snow Ice Cream
1 gallon snow
1 cup white sugar
1 tbs vanilla extract
2 cups milk
I've heard that when it starts to snow, we should place a large bowl outside to collect the flakes. When full, stir in sugar and vanilla to taste, then stir in just enough milk for the desired consistency. Then serve at once.
Josh used more milk (he said about 4 cups), and we didn't "collect" snow flakes. He just went outside and filled up a gallon sized bowl.
It's really good! And here's a picture of my bowl before I ate it all!
Let me know if you try it! You really should!
wow! wish we had snow here...we'd love to try some! it looks so yummy!! love your new layout by the way! =)
That is one of my childhood memories. My dad always made us snow ice cream if it snowed enough. He has even made it for his grandkids now. It is funny every time it snows my sister and I both mention snow ice cream!
My first reaction is EW! Aren't you worried about the snow being dirty from pollution?
But, that's just me. I am sure my husband would be totally in for it, so we'll prob have a balanced family.
lol.. I agree with Mrs. Haid. But hey I'm sure it tastes good anyway ;)
You two are no fun.
that is why you dont use the first snow of the year (or so I was always told) we also took the snow from our deck (scraping the top) and in a corner where there were no tracks! but one thing was weird though, it was already yellow snow and almost gave a lemon-y taste! :-)
Honey, you are going to make people think we are so weird...if they didn't already! :o)
What I want to know is how many points is it?
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