One year ago today, I embarked upon this adventure called blogging.

I have enjoyed it so much. I have made new friends and found this page to be an outlet at times. You have encouraged me at just the right moments. Occasionally you disagree with me, and secretly I love that, too.
In honor of my first blogiversary, I'm having a giveaway!
In the mail yesterday I received a letter from Redbook* saying they missed me (of course they do). It said I could sign up for a year subscription and that included a year subscription for a friend as well! How exciting is that? Yeah, ok, maybe not THAT exciting, but I thought to myself, "Who should I give this subscription to?" And then it dawned on should be one of you.

Please leave a comment - just any ol' comment - and I will select the winner using a random number generator from RANDOM.ORG
Thank you for a happy year of blogging!
P.S. If you are here from facebook, please use the Name/URL option. Type your first name and then copy and paste the url from your facebook page. Like this:
Name: Chrissy
If you don't have a blog or facebook, just leave your first name and last initial, and if your number is the winner, you can email me!
*I have purchased this item/giveaway myself and am not being paid to endorse it. Giveaway ends 1/25/09 at 3pm CST.
Congrats on your 1st year! I have truly enjoyed your blog. I have gotten to know you more from this blog then being neighbors. And thank you for showing me that there is more than one point of view.
Is that comment enough???
Happy Blogoversary!
Happy Blogiversary! It's been great re-connecting with you and your family through this outlet!
Happy bloggy birthday! It has been fun reading - keep it up!
Happy Blogoversary and I so hope it's me!
Happy Blogiversary to you! I've enjoyed reading and look forward to more! =)
Happy BBday! I look forward to another year of reading it :)
Wow! Have I been reading this that long? It doesn't seem like it. Happy blog B-day!
Congrats and Happy Blogoversary!
Happy One Year of blogging! I feel really silly because I didn't know what your blog title meant until I read your "about me" yesterday. Obviously I'm a little slow!
But anyway, thanks for all the entertaining and insightful blog posts! You really are a great writer. I wonder how many followers you'll have for your two year blogiversary? :)
Happy Blogiversary! I am always impressed that you blog every day. I tend to go in spurts.
Happy Blogiversary! That's a great giveaway!!
If I win, do I get to look like Kelly Ripa? Just kidding.
Happy Happy Birthday! 1 is so cool! I'm happy you did a special thing, I don't even know when mine is! ha ha
Happy 1st Blogiversary!!! I have keeping up with you and your family. You inspire me and I enjoy reading your thoughts.
Happy One Year!! Love reading your blogs..Please do not put me in the contest....just want to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blogs!! love, Mommie :)
Happy Blogiversary! :) I hope I can stay in one place to finally get a 1 year! :)
Pick me! Pick me! Happy Blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary! I am just a 3 months...but loving every minute of it! ;)
Happy Anniversary.
Thanks for offering this. I would love to have this to read while exercising.
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