Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I've waited my entire life to do this!

I remember quite clearly sitting in Mrs. Edward's 5th grade class during reading time, in a semi-circle, on the floor, listening to her read to us. I sat behind Melanie, and I asked her if I could try to French braid her hair. I'd watched my mom braid MANY times for color guard girls, so I just knew I could do it. And I did! After that, I think I braided several others that day.

For many, many other occasions, I was the one girls came to for French braids. From sporting events to band competitions, I did it countless times. Even in college, I remember waking up a little early and doing double braids for my suite-mate on several mornings!

So for almost 20 years - since 5th grade - I've waited for this day. The day when I'd have a little girl who would sit and let me braid her hair. It was a moment I'd thought about for a long time.

Not my best work, but pretty good for a squirmy 2-year-old with very fine hair! :o)


Causey Fam said...

Oh so sweet! I need lessons!

Ashley said...

That's awesome! See...you have thought of things you want Sarah to do...sit still and have her hair braided! :0) I'm happy for you - I love when little things like this come along in my life! I also need lessons!!

Susan said...

All those Bus Rides and doing hair was good for this day alone! I think I still have some of your barbies with their hair braided..oh..and some "Little Ponies" that have their tails braided...hee hee....thanks for sharing your stories!

Anonymous said...

Can you teach me how to do that too?


Anonymous said...

WOW awsome! I can't wait for mine to have more than the fuzz so I can clip a bow in it! LOL your children are beautiful

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