Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Cardinals in 2009

Do you remember the last time the Cardinals went to the World Series? I do. It was in 2006. Easy to remember for me since Sarah was born in that year.

Do you remember the time before that? I do. It was in 2004. Again, easy to remember because Caleb was born that year!

So the running joke in our family when I was pregnant with Gabriel is that it must mean the Cardinals were going to go to the World Series! After all, my other two children were good luck charms, right? As the summer went along, and the Cardinals were playing...well...not so great, it became evident that Gabriel would not get to say he was born in a year when the Cardinals went to the World Series. In fact, they didn't even make the playoffs! I must admit, I was a little bummed.

And then, the other day, it dawned on me. (I must admit, I've put way too much thought into this!) Caleb and Sarah were born in August - before the World Series and during the season. Gabriel was born in the middle of November - after the World Series and, in some ways, the beginning of another season. Perhaps my kids were the good luck charms BEFORE the World Series and in the same season, not just because it was the same year.

So that means...the Cardinals will go THIS YEAR!

See, I have it all figured out. I have high hopes for them in 2009! :o)

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