But instead of sharing an embarrassing picture of myself (I could share an embarrassing one if I really had to, my ugly stage ranged from about 3rd through 8th grade), I'd like to share one of my favorites instead.

Mellophone solo in the song Jupiter, November 1, 1997. Three days before I turned 18.
It wasn't me or my band in the link I gave, but boy, hearing that song sure brought back memories! The horns in front were playing the part I had as a solo.

This is such a nice photo!
Just hopping by to say hi from, Serendipitously ME, F.R.O.G.
When I read the first paragraph I thought, this is NOT a bad picture. LOL I probably wouldn't post a "bad" picture either. It is fun, though, to look back at them. Big hair and pinched jeans! LOL
I used to play in the band...well until I decided that I didn't feel like walking around the football field. I think it's a great photo.
Love the sparkles. Isn't great that we got to play music way back when. Why don't we still do it? Is it because we no longer have the time or inclination to practice????
CUTE BLOG!! I'm your newest follower, linking up from NFF. Come by Sassy Sites and say hi! :) Have a great weekend!
It's great to have wonderful memories of Highschool. Following you now from follow fridays.
I love the pic! You look wonderful.
It actually looks like a piece of artwork!
I hope you have it framed.
Come and check out my giveaway that ends tomorrow with low entries!
I was on the flag line in high school marching band. I've got billions of embarrassing pictures of me and gold sequins. Not pretty.
And funny but I love Jupiter so much that it was in my wedding!
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