Sunday, August 1, 2010

While Daddy Was Gone

Last Sunday at noon, Josh left for a week-long curriculum workshop in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It was sort of a part two of what he learned last summer at the same place, working through an entire textbook of a new curriculum he is to implement with his students.

If, by chance, you've been reading along with me since last summer, you know that I made that trip with him in 2009. We left Caleb and Sarah with my parents, and we took Gabriel with us because I was still nursing at the time.

But this year, I stayed behind.


With my kiddos 24/7.

Being a stay-at-home mom is something I love, but at the end of the day, I do have a partner in crime so-to-speak. I do have someone who helps me very much. If I need a hand with laundry, he'll do it. All of it. We often take turns with the dishes. He always helps with the kids' bath time. He makes dinner.

There are also things that are always his job. Mowing the grass is one. Taking out the trash is another and setting it out on trash day. He also always waters and feeds the dog, and he always checks the mail at our post office box.

While he was gone, it was all my job. And it was weird.

I did not feel overwhelmed. I just tackled each task as it came my way, and I'd say our household stayed in running order! The kids helped me keep the house picked up. I made sure to stay on top of the dishes. Bath time came and went. Dinners were less than fabulous, but we made do. I took out the trash, I set it at the curb on Tuesday morning. I fed the dog...she was thankful I didn't forget. We checked the mail every other day...all of us.

The best part of this week was that a local church held a VBS from 6:00 to 8:30 pm each night. So while the kids were having a great time and learning about God's word, I was relaxing or visiting with a friend!

While I did an ok job and remained self-sufficient, it is not something I'd want to do long term! We were all SO GLAD when daddy got home!

And Caleb made this:

Which exactly depicts the sweet face we missed all week!


Unknown said...

Lovely. Two parent families are the way to go for sure. I can not imagine having to do it all alone forever! Rosemary

Bld424 said...

Good job! I often lament for single parents. I feel sorry for them because its JUST SO HARD to be unselfish for 24 hours a day. I love when my husband comes home from work. I know that my effort is halved and my time doubled when I have a partner! I am glad that you were capable and had some time "off" too. Did they have a nursery?

Anonymous said...

Yes, lovely. I like your post,
I have create Follow Me Monday link , would be great if you can join,
here is link
Have a good night.

Aries said...

Nice to share out household chores with spouse, I does that at home too, so, just like you when hubby is away for few days, what a hand full.

Jamie said...

Way to go mom!!! I was without hubby for three weeks this summer. My parents came for one week, his mom was here for one week and I was alone for one week. I cheated yes, and had some help. But being prego with two little ones is no fun! I'm proud of you! It's nice to know "we can do it" but it's also VERY nice to have a little help and at least, someone to talk with in the evening and snuggle with in bed!

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