Then today, as I was watching a movie with the kids, this song came on. It gave me tears (I think I'm overly emotional today anyway) and it reminded me of that conversation.
When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart
And when she was sad, I was there to dry her tears
And when she was happy, so was I, when she loved me.
Through the summer and the fall, we had each other, that was all
Just she and I together, like it was meant to be
And when she was lonely, I was there to comfort her
And I knew that she loved me.
So the years went by, I stayed the same
And she began to drift away, I was left alone
Still I waited for the day, when she’d say "I will always love you."
Lonely and forgotten, never thought she’d look my way,
She smiled at me and held me close, just like she used to do,
Like she loved me, when she loved me
When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful,
Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart
When she loved me.
Have you ever mourned over a friendship lost/changed?

Booooo-hooo. Oh Chrissy, so sappy and emotional and sad! Its like Velveteen Rabbit.
Yes, I am now mourning the loss of a level of friendship I had with a friend - it has become much less easy for us to understand each other and know how to support each other.
However... I am now starting to think that new friends can be made more easily than I first thought. My mom told me that God takes away and gives back in the friend department, and I thought it was very cold. I didn't like it. But I do feel that I have very different levels of friendship with other people and that sort of compensates for not having the BFF time that I did have before.
yes I mourn the fact that you aren't 45 minutes away from me anymore!!!! Maybe someday God will call you and Josh to Indiana! :-)
Oh, but Kassie...we are still friends. I didn't lose you.
Yes I have and I think about her all the time. We never officially ended the relationship, but we haven't spoken at all this year. There are no hard feelings, just sad we've lost touch. Who knows where the friendship will lead, maybe our paths will cross again in the future.
I have lost a friendship and thought I would never talk to her again. Then she found me on facebook, we chat once and a while, but the friendship will never be as it was. And to be honest I am glad for that. She has changed and so have I.
I had 2 best friends growing up. We were super close, did EVERYTHING together. We drifted apart during our high school years. I kept in touch with one of them by email and saw her once in a while for family gatherings (her family and mine were close). But, she and I never got as close as we used to be. Unfortunately, she passed away 3 years ago, and I regret that I never made time for her to stop by and visit when she asked. There was always something going on.
I found the other friend on myspace last year. I was excited because she and I had lost touch, and I really wanted to reconnect. We emailed once in a while, but she was always short with me. I found myself always emailing her, but she never really emailed me unless she was responding to my emails. So, sad to say that I don't think she wants to reconnect like I do.
They were the two best friends I've ever had. I've never been close to anyone like I was with them.
I have mourned the loss of several friendships over the past 15 years. As a teenager, I was naive enough to think our lives wouldn't change that much. But, boy did it ever. When I moved to TN at 16, I lost 3 of my closest friends. We stayed connected through mail but after high school, the friendships dissolved. Last year I reconnected with my BF from Jr High, but we havent' spoken since the New Year. My first serious Boyfriend found me and called me about five years ago. We IM about 3-4 times a year...
Its hard to take sometimes but I think God knows who is good for us in our lives and who isn't. I do like having "bloggy" friends though!
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Kari @
Toy Story 2. That part makes me sad every single time. I've mourned the loss of a friend a lot. One of my best friends decided one day to stop talking to me because I "didn't fit into her life" and wasn't following the path she wanted me to follow. To this day I wish I would have written her that letter to tell her how much it hurt. I was living in a new city with no one around and the person that was closest to me just let me go. It sucked.
What a beautiful post. Yes, I have morned the loss of friendships, and the change of friendships. I have also celebrated the renewal of friendship gained again.
I am now following from new friend friday at the girl creative. You have a beautiful blog, I will be back!
Things became distant between myself and two very close friends when I had my daughter and the ties were almost completely severed when I moved back to Missouri. The loss is incredibly profound and sad for me. I am lucky to have so many other good friends, but I won't pretend that the loss of the other friends isn't felt daily.
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