I think I had a bit of postpartum depression after having her. I don't normally talk about it, but I came out of it with more appreciation for my little girl. For about six to eight months or so, I didn't feel like she was mine. I questioned why God gave me another child. I thought that since I was nursing that I was supposed to have this automatic connection with her. What kind of mother doesn't instantly love their child? But there I was. A mother of two who didn't feel like I was supposed to have two. That then brought about guilt. Yes, I was in a dark place for a long time, but thankfully I had a girlfriend who was in the exact same place I was and we were able to talk about it and console each other. God is good.
So, as I mentioned, when I finally came out of that place in my life, I grew to love Sarah so very much. I love her giggle. I love her determination. I love her independence (must be a second born thing...Caleb is NOT like that)!
When Caleb started preschool, I finally had some time with just the two of us. Mommy and Sarah time grew to be some of my most favorite times! It was then that she finally started talking a lot, using new words, speaking in complete sentences. I guess without big brother around, she learned to speak for herself! :o) "Mommy, I need more juice...pweeeeze!"
It took about 18 months for her to have any hair at all. By the time she was two, I was finally able to put a tiny little pony tail on top of her head. Then in late November of last year, a couple months after she turned two, I was able to get her hair in pigtails! It's pretty much the only way I can fix her hair. But it's now just the way everyone knows Sarah! There are days when I wish she wore pigtails forever...
And while she can be a bit over dramatic at times (her new phrase now when she's upset is "I'M GOING TO CRY!") she is still so precious to me.
I hadn't written about her much...so here the post just about Sarah!