But that's not the case.
I never had any desire to grow anything of my own. I never really cared or understood when someone said, "There's just nothing like a home grown [insert veggie or fruit here]." I also knew that I couldn't hardly even keep an indoor plant alive for any length of time, so what would be the point of planting something outside that had to be watered daily? Who has the time or interest for that?
So when Josh's dad asked me in the spring how many tomato plants I wanted to take home, I thought I must have misunderstood the question. Surely he meant how many tomatoes did I want? I think I turned him down the first time, but then he must have called Josh and asked him! We ended up with three, and I thought for sure they would die in our garage as they waited to be planted.
But Josh was diligent (even though I was resistant) in making sure they were planted and given lots of care. He makes sure they are watered as needed. He made sure they had support posts as they began to grow tall. And today, as I was outside watching the kids play, I noticed our first red tomato...
I realize this is not a big deal to you if you have a full fledged garden, complete with green beans, lettuce, zucchini, etc. We only have three tomato plants, but it's our first attempt, and Josh did great! :o)
Way to go! I want a garden someday...and those homegrown tomatoes make great salsa!
We started our first garden this year too!! My dad had to send me pics of his garden so that I would know what to do with our tomato plants:) -Katie Fred/Smyth
By the way...those tomatoes are amazing!!
Yoo hoo!!! You will find a garden is not only a great source for healthy eating, (for those of us on a diet the fresh veggies supply for sure!) but it's also extremely cost effective - all the stuff you can do with the tomatoes, ie. salsa, tomatoe sauce to freeze for pasta later, etc. etc.... Gardens are great, congrats on your first one!! Aunt Kathy S.
Wow your lucky, my tomoatos seem to be a bit of a late bloomer. I'm watching them for a nice summer salad. Thanks for the website! I'm thinking about changes my background to something cute instead of modern.
Good luck with the garden, keep on the updates!
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