First...this is me...

...that's me and my husband on August 5, 2011.
I'm Chrissy, and I love being a mother of four sweet kiddos: a 10-year-old named Caleb, an 8-year-old named Sarah, an almost 6-year-old named Gabriel, and a 2-year-old named Leah.
From left to right, Leah, Sarah, Caleb, and Gabriel in March of 2014.
I graduated from Owensville High School in 1998, and graduated from Southwest Baptist University in 2002 with a bachelors degree in business administration/public relations.
I've been married to my husband, Josh, for 13 years. He is a high school math teacher and also an adjunct college professor at a local junior college.
I love the Lord and strive to raise my children to honor and love Him as well. I currently attend First Church of God, and I'm excited to see what God has in store for me and where He will have me serve in the ministries there.
As for my blog, Simply Chrissy (formerly Traveling Light) - I began writing as a way to journal my daily happenings. It then turned into a way for me to feel like I was utilizing my abilities for something bigger. I do feel like there are times when God speaks to me, and through conveying those thoughts and convictions, others can be uplifted to. And I think that's a great thing.
Sometimes I'm serious. Sometimes I'm lighthearted. Sometimes I cover a spiritual issue. Sometimes it's about weight loss. I like to talk about my kids and family, but other times I like to just talk about the St. Louis Cardinals! :)
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you'll come back often!
Hi - Just hopping in from UBP 2010! Enjoy the party! I love "meeting" new friends!
I have loved reading these! I think we could be friends in "real life"! Ha1 I hope to join in this tomorrow!
Hi! I found you through FMF at Trendy Treehouse. I loved reading your intro - trying to decide if I will join in the UBP!
Wow, Chrissy! That is all I can say about the amazing things your church is doing/ has done.
so nice to meet you! Your outspoken love for your husband is so refreshing and fun! Glad I found you at the party!
Hey, Chrissy! I found you thru the Ultimate Blog Party. Your blog looks great--I'll enjoy visiting you here!
Happy Friday Follow! Hope you visit my site:
Thanks in advance for following me back and have a great weekend!
HI! Dropping by from UBP! I am one of your followers...loved reading more about you!
My husband and I were HS sweet hearts too!
Have a fun weekend and happy UBP!
Beautiful Site! I enjoy your writing style!
Hi, I'm visiting from the UBP and am your latest follower! I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog. I'd love it if you stopped by mine too ... Enjoy the party!
Cruising over from the UBP to say hi :)
Stopping from the UBP! Loved visiting your site! What a beautiful family. I love your style of writing.
Chrissy, stopping by on my way through the UBP10 tour. LOVE your blog! I'm now following you. If you want to check out my blog, I'm at ... I'm just starting and trying to get consistent at it. I also twitter at nanreflections.
God Bless,
You and your family are truly blessed. You can see how happy you are in the photos and what you wrote about your family. It's nice to read such a great family profile.
Love your blog and really enjoyed my visit.
I think this is my 3rd year. Not sure but really enjoy meeting new bloggers.
Great prizes this year! I hope you win one..or two.
I was late too but fashionable late for the UBP 2010.
Hi, here for the party! Off to read more of your blog.
Nice to meet you! :D Just stopping by from the party to say howdy. Love your blog.
Have a great week and happy UBP! :D And hope to see you stop by sometime!!
Hey Winner!
You need these numbers to complete the prize form on the prize page -
493 Chrissy
High school cute!! Hope you had fun at the Ultimate Blog Party! I know its over but I'm still partying and visiting some new blogs! :)
Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by, say hi, and grab a free tutu making lesson! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest
Hello, I just made it here through one of the blog hops. I love your page & it looks like we have a lot in common! I love your "Hot Topics", I think I am going to have to steal your idea :) I'm your newest follower now.
Have a great weekend!
Hi! This is a little late coming but I found your blog through Blogher. I live in Missouri, too! My husband is a dept chair at SEMO. Small world! You have the cutest blog. Mine used to be interesting until my baby arrived and now it's all about the kids. BORING, I know!
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